Leased Housing - Section 8

Please check our Landlord/Tenant Portals for important information.

Additional information is also available on the OHA resident and community resource page.

OHA's Leased Housing department is responsible for administering the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8), Project-based voucher, VASH, and Moderate Rehabilitation Housing subsidy programs for approximately 13,000 households in the City of Oakland. Additionally, the department works with over 5,000 owners/property managers who provide affordable housing to our resident clients throughout the city. 

, Director of Leased Housing 
Nancy Orona, Administrative Assistant
(510) 587-2113​​​

Teela Carpenter, Assistant Director

Joetta Farrow, Assistant Director

Kelly Davis​, Owner Services​ Manager​
Carmella Farr​, Customer Service Manager
Candyce Moore, Special Programs Manager
Patricia Murphy, Owner Services Manager
Jerry Ruan, Eligibility Manager
Ron Scarborough, Occupancy Manager
Tiffany Strickland, Occupancy Manager​

Clara Velasco, Program Compliance Manager

Contact Leased Housing:

Leased Housing Customer Service

1540 Webster Street, Oakland CA, 94612

(510) 587-2100 or​​

TTY/TDD (510)587-7119
