The resources listed on this page were curated to help members of our community with locating services and resources that are generally in demand by individuals age 60+, or for their family members and caregivers who provide them assistance.
Elder Abuse Services |

Legal Assistance for Seniors works closely with Adult Protective Services, the District Attorney’s Office, the courts, and law enforcement to assist Alameda County residents who are victims of physical, emotional or financial elder abuse. For more information, call 510-832-3040 or visit website. |
Utility Bill Assistance

Spectrum Community Services, Inc. - Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). For more information, call 510-881-0300 or visit Spectrum's LIHEAP webpage or the LIHWAP webpage.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) - Discover PG&E programs, tools and online features that senior customers may find especially useful. For more information visit PG&E's Solutions for Seniors.
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)- The Customer Assistance Program (CAP) offer help to pay a portion of the water bill for qualified residential customers; For morning information visit EBMUD's Customer Assistance Program.
Senior Food Programs

Meals on Wheels, of Alameda County
Program that deliver nutritious meals and perform wellness checks. For more information or call 510-582-1263 or website.
Alameda County Community Food Bank- provides USDA groceries through many sites in Alameda County. For more information call 510-635-3663 or visit website.
Mercy Brown Bag- Food bags are dropped off at a local site for no-contact pick up or delivered directly to senior home. 510-534-8540, ext. 369 or visit the website to register and for pick up site or home delivery information.
Spectrum Community Services, Inc. Senior Meals.Program provides Senior Meals for anyone in the community 60+ years old. Call to for a location near you, 510- 881-0300(pick up or dine-in) or visit the website.
Senior/Disabled Transportation

LIFE Elder Care, Transportation Program - Friendly Visitors Program matches frail, isolated older adults with volunteers that provide companionship through weekly visits, phone calls and outings. For more information or to enroll call, 510-894-0370 or visit the website. |
Senior Legal Services

Legal Assistance for Seniors, free for Alameda County senior residents. For more information, call 510-832-3040 or visit website. |
Adult Day Programs/Medical Care

St. Mary’s Center - The Senior Community Center provides recreational programs and services. For more information call, 510-923-9600 or visit website.
Disabled Adult Programs |

LIFE ElderCare- Health Forward/Fall Prevention Program provides free in-home health &wellness interventions. For more information or to enroll call, 510-894-0370 or visit the website. LIFE ElderCare- Friendly Visitors Program Program matches frail, isolated older adults with volunteers that provide companionship through weekly visits, phone calls and outings. For more information or to enroll call, 510-894-0370 or visit the website.
Additional links & Resources:
* OHA periodically publishes information about other organizations’ services and resources as a courtesy. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information including dates, availability or selection processes. If you have questions, please contact the organization directly. Eligibility requirements vary.